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Hoover craft: Uses leaf blowers, tethered to extension cord.

  Need safety proposal: Charles

Need a tool inventory Roller coaster: Two chicks, with just one 18' drop, go up a ramp to slow down instead of water. Make it double wide to make it raceing. Use a flag to let people see who is winning

Human fooseball: Rope or PVC for the thing people are attached to. Doesnt need to be a permantent structure Flood lights for wooden stuff:

   gaius: look for car headlights

Transparent horizons: Ice cream truck:


Bumper trike:

  Freshman build them: seminar


 Make outdoor shower for wrestling

If you have an idea, send us an estimate of how much it would cost

Water war:

 put foam around buttresses to idiotproof
 Make shields out of quarter inch plywood
 Mobile paper mache thing

EC story book: pyrocide

 A series of stories that also mark the line


 Submit design by Friday
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