Graduate Resident Tutors

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Each hall in EC has their own GRT and these GRTs are chosen by individual halls, with each hall having a slightly different selection process. GRTs help hall with hall feeds and provide support for students with regard to finding academic help, rooming issues, and other on‐hall conflicts. Our GRTs also organize all‐dorm events, including a monthly brunch and seasonal cooking competitions in the fall and spring. During finals week, many GRTs provide “finals breakfast” for their halls.

Current GRTs

1E G105 Mary Lee 1W H106 Angela Chang & Jim Gouldstone
2E G205 Harold Barnard 2W H201 Carrie Brown & John Hecker
3E G305 Kit Werley 3W M306 Nathaniel Schafheimer
4E G405 Aaron Bader 4W M406 Bryan Cord & Kathleen Navarro
5E G505 Tony Sagneri 5W M506 Kyle Gilpin & Erin Gilpin

See Also