East Campus/May 14, 2008

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Attendance: Everyone's here

Amendments to the Constitution:

Article IV, section 2. Add:
5. Chairs the fall room assignment meeting, consisting of the Rush Chairs, Desk Captain, and any other residents at the discretion of the RAC.

reworded to:

Article IV, section 2. Add:
5. Chairs the fall room assignment meeting, consisting of the Rush Chairs, and any other residents at the discretion of the RAC. The desk captain is also invited to the meeting for logistical purposes, but has no voice in the proceedings, unless he/she is a rush chair, the RAC or a chosen representative, in which case a clerical proxy must be appointed and fulfill their duties as rush chair, the RAC, or a representative. A unanimity of the Rush Chairs can override a decision made by the RAC.

and will be voted on on Sunday.

5. Chairs the fall room assignment meeting, consisting of the Rush Chairs, Desk Captain, and any other residents at the discretion of the RAC, as long as each hall is represented at least once by a hall resident.

tabled until nov-dec 2008

Amendment to the By-laws:

Article IX: 20. The Sewing Chairperson is in charge of keeping and maintaining all of East Campus's sewing equipment


The RAC said that she intends to try expanding the size of the meeting for this year, and once we see how that goes, we can make a decision on putting it in the Constitution after we see how that goes.

AVComm Update:

  • $600 approved for speakers will be enough

RLA Search Update:

  • The search committee has met and a candidate will be decided upon after some further follow up checks.