2016 Summer Closing

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EC Documents

Summer Storage Logistics (last updated: 5/7/16)

Summer Storage Basement Map

Loft Policy

Summer Storage Label Template: box label fridge label (last updated 5/7/16)

Summer Storage Policy (last updated: 5/7/16)

Summer Storage Useful Links

Housing's official summer storage info https://housing.mit.edu/undergraduate/summer_storage

College Student Insurance (recommended insurance for summer storage) https://www.collegestudentinsurance.com/policyinfo.aspx

Piece by Piece storage (optional way to store furniture/valuable boxes) http://storagemit.com/

Summer Closing FAQ

Can I leave my loft over the summer?

JoeG has a loft policy that he wants to implement. It contains a list of rules you must follow, but not every loft in the building has. They are in place so facilities can get to the windows, radiators, and sinks to make repairs. See them here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ah2m54sszmi2ctt/EC%20Loft%20Policy.pdf?dl=0

Lofts that follow this policy will be left intact for the summer since it won’t be obstructing any facilities work.

He will take down violating lofts over the summer if they are still in your room, so you should take these down yourself and rebuild them to policy in the fall. If you do not follow only the last point (you’re supposed to tell JoeG before you build the loft), you can do it post-construction (i.e. now) and he’ll still accept your loft provided everything else is OK.

Please fill out the loft form before 3/19/2016: http://goo.gl/forms/7ni5U3r4O1

In the future, people will know about the policy after the rules get emailed/posted everything/on the website. This will make JoeG happy with the lofts and loft-builders happy for four years of nice lofting.

What about my [large piece of furniture]?

Sorry, you have to get it out of the room. You brought it in, you take it out. JoeG could take it out for you, but it’ll be thrown away and he’ll charge you a very hefty fine (i.e. the hourly wages of people paid to remove your thing. He estimates $6,000 if he has to get a crane, window people, an electrician to power the crane, etc. to remove an excessively large from your window.)

Can I leave stuff on the walls? (whiteboards, shelving, etc.)

Yes, unless your room has a poor paint job. JoeG hasn’t had issues with these things in the past, but it’s possible that your room will get painted over if the paint job is in poor taste. In this case, it’s best to remove your whiteboards/shelves because they might get paint on them or obstruct JoeG’s painter. Other non-standard wall objects (LED lights, speakers, etc.) should probably be removed since they should not be that difficult to remove and are easily ruined by water (which is a fairly uncommon hazard considering New House and the west parallel leak from three summers ago.)

What about custom floor tiling/modifications?

They can stay. It's extremely unlikely that they will need to be removed. He reworks the room floors and tiling if there's asbestos detected, which may be the case for 41W (inspection underway.) Updated 5/16.

What’s happening in general to rooms over the summer?

Freshman rooms, as always, get painted over. In addition, bad paint jobs are getting painted over. Other than that, JoeG will replace and repair whatever as necessary. Mostly cosmetic things.

What's happening to the rest of EC?

Planned upgrades are "replace and repair as needed": • Bathrooms- fixtures, stalls, lights • Kitchens- appliances, windows, ventilation, paint walls. Color fan for halls to choose from. • Hallways- carpet, exterior wall. Not much painting except dead walls. Won't paint murals. • Lounges- carpet, wall. Need to be cleared (ie no abundant couches or soda machines) • Fire doors • Stairwells- redo flooring, paint walls. "I know exactly what I'm doing. I got your interest in mind." -JoeG. He hopes that the only thing you’re surprised about is how clean the place is.

How is basement storage going to work?

We are going to clear out more cages and have many sections for specific items. For example, each parallel will have a designated spot for fridges. Fridges should only go these areas and not any other area. In addition, stored items will have to be in a box, likely the DSL boxes. We will consider accepting other containers, like suitcases or sturdy plastic boxes you already have that’s approximately the same dimensions.

I’m a graduating senior/9th termer, can I store things in the basement?

Sorry, storage is only for residents returning in the fall.

What cages are going to be cleared out?

Two cages (Wood and Bemis Cage) being cleared by 4/3, Walcott Cage by 4/10. See email for more info.

How many boxes will we get?

We haven’t determined this yet, but you will get enough to store normal things (clothes, kitchen supplies, books, monitors, etc.) not not enough to store all the cruft you possess in the basement.

How does the insurance work?

We haven’t determined this yet. It's mostly on the DSL side.

Hall pianos?

JoeG is working on a solution for pianos. I can tell you it won't involve inviting hallmates for piano-lifting. It's in the works and I'll let your halls know ASAP. I only mentioned the floor pi and 5W pianos since they spoke up at housecomm, but I'll add 4e's to the list. Any other halls have pianos?

Things that don't fit in a box?

I'll look into a solution to store them like the fridges, but otherwise try to find something to fit them in. Remember the storage is primarily for DSL boxes and your fridges, so stretching it for other things is kinda difficult.

Retrieve stuff from basement over the summer?

DSL says no and that it's a case-by-case basis. (As in if you desperately need pills you forgot about and packed away, you could retrieve them.) I'll be here over the summer. I'll prolly have card access. ;)

What makes a paint job poor?

It's all according to JoeG's tastes. He likes clean edges. We will do a walkthrough like we're doing with lofts, but with paint jobs. There are people who want their rooms unpainted or are leaving wall stuff, so those people can get an opinion on their fabulously painted/decked-out room before we close. Stay tuned for that email (probably April since it's low priority.)

Why are lofts special and my [heavy bed/heavy furniture] can't be left over the summer?

JoeG compromised a lot to agree to keep lofts around. Heavy furniture left in your rooms is bad because if there's a leak or something that needs to be fixed (ie great flood of 3W 3 summers ago), the furniture has to leave the room. But you are no longer inside of the room, and JoeG didn't approve of it (as he does with lofts.) Now he has to move it and is sad. Also it's your property and not his to deal with.

Why can't we leave furniture in unoccupied rooms (i.e. have fridge rooms)?

Once upon a time there were fridge rooms. Their purpose was to store resident's fridges for the summer. Gradually, people started to put other furniture inside. One fateful day, a leak sprouted in/near a fridge room. Everything inside needed to get moved out ASAP, but only JoeG and his men are there. They were very sad that they had to move things that weren't fridges, and since then fridge rooms were no more.

What about hall furniture/stuff (soda machines, couches, etc.)?

We're working on a solution that requires the least work, but lofts and basement clearout are top priority right now. It seems like institute type furniture can be left in the lounges, but other things like soda machines need to get cleared. Apparently they don't fit inside student room doors. JoeG calls this "pulling at the weeds".

What about the closets on Putz in Wood and Monroe (i.e. ToolComm)?

They need to be emptied. One of them actually should already be empty since it has a fire panel (or similarly sounding important-to-access item.) It's a bit too early to do anything about them, so I'll tackle this in April, probably after CPW so tools can see some use before going into basement storage.