CPW 2015

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The Theme

Yay let's go back to Kindergarten

How to Get a Degree in Education

  • Make sure to go home and tell your helicopter-parents@mit.edu (CPW Chairs) your ideas
  • think-of-the-children@mit.edu and help us plan. Add yourself for info!

Important Dates

  • FINAL EVENT PROPOSAL to CPW chairs: Feb. 22
  • Sign up to host prefrosh: April 1
  • CPW: April 16 - 19
  • Nap time: April 20 - 21

Final Schedule!

Thursday 9 am - prefrosh officially begin arriving 11am - 5 pm Grilling! Hair Dying! Building! & Big Games Cuz We're Tiny People 2-4:30 pm - pinkies 5-8:30 pm SpeedFriending! Grilling! Building the EC Clubhouse! 6-8pm cross-campus potluck 6:30 - 8:30 - cryofac at Johnson 9:30pm - midnight CPW 2015 Dance Party with 1E Danceboard

friday technically starts----

midnight - when prefrosh leave 10^n cookies, milk, stories, and naptime

Friday 12pm- 5pm Grilling! Hair Dying! Building! 2-5pm Soldering seminar 4-5 pm Cruft Smashing 5-6:30 Cryofac in EC 6:30 - 6:45ish EC - Senior House Water War 7-10pm - Grilling 7-8:30 finger painting/knitting 8:30 pm- 1am Grilling

Saturday 12pm - 3pm grilling 12pm - 2pm sandcastles 2pm - 5pm adventure tours 3pm - 6pm grilling 4:30 - 6 iron chef 7:30 - 9pm Grilling 9-11pm burn 11pm-12pm Tesla Coils ---sunday technically begins---- midnight - 2am Board/Card Games, Blanket Forts, & Cartoons and pinkies

Sunday 9am - noon Grilling by noon or so - most prefrosh are gone :( noon onwards - sleep!


TBD. Email us your ideas! Proposed ideas so far:

Claimed Events:

Food Events:

Cryofac (ejberg, putz)

Snacktime (10^n Cookies) (phojo)

Iron Chef (camilara)

Trader Jacks (phojo, demaio)

Telephone Cookinary (ameister, ltencate)

Pinkies (ameister)

Eat Your Vegetables (emfrank, ajwarner)

Building Events:

Playground (froshherd)

Sandcastles in the courtyard (ava_chen, jennieb)

Swingset (ava_chen, jennieb)

Ping Pong Table construction + tournament (yonadav)

Misc Events:

Hair Dying (lilyzhou & ebyun)

Finger Painting and Finger Knitting (camilara, yanisa)

Speed Friending (camilara)

Soldering workshop (tristanh and others?)

DIY Alphabet Blocks (marackah)

Adventure Tours (bavila & bgheneti)

Cruft Smashing (dannybd & wkl)

Tesla Coils (Kramnik)

Nuclear Bedtime Stories (caitlinf, kramnik)

Nap Time (ameister, ajwarner)

Milk and Cookies + Board games (tsims)

1E Dance Party (ptkikani, erinking)

Bubbles (kerriewu, mickyk)

Unclaimed Events:

All Dorm Potluck

"Satisfaction Float"

Grilling in the courtyard

Basement haunted house

Thursday Night Cross-Campus Potluck

Board Games and Card Games in Talbot

Huge Games because we're tiny people

Nap time in Talbot with nineties cartoons and milk and cookies

EC Tantrum (instead of a riot)

Building and decorating the EC clubhouse

EC-Senior House water war

Blanket forts

Four square/kickball

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