East Campus/By-Laws

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This is NOT the official copy of the by-laws. For the official copy, check the EC web site.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology East Campus House Committee By-laws

Adopted: Wednesday, February 15, 2005

Article I - Applicability

The rules contained in these By-laws shall govern the society in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with the rules of order or constitution of this organization.

Article II - Elections

  1. In all elections ballots shall be tabulated by the Executive Committee according to the following procedure:
    1. Consider only and all legally cast ballots and only and all legally qualified candidates who appear on them. All elections shall be preferential (i.e. the names appearing on the ballot shall be ranked first, second, etc.)
    2. If only one opening is available for the contested position, tally up all first-place votes. If a candidate receives a simple majority of the ballots, he is elected. If not, retally the ballots of the lowest-ranking candidate, awarding each ballot to the next highest remaining candidate. (If none of the remaining candidates appears on the ballot, it cannot be used for redistribution; it will be voided and discarded.) Continue redistributing the ballots of the remaining candidates with the fewest votes in this fashion until one candidate receives a simple majority.
    3. If a tie should result, either between the final two candidates or between two candidates for redistribution, determine ranking by weighting the ballots. Award three points for a first-place vote, two points for a second, and one for a third. The person with the greater weighted sum shall be the higher-ranking.
    4. If more than one opening is available, use the above procedure to elect the first person. Next, strike his name from all ballots and re-order the preferential listing to account for his absence; elect the second office holder as before. Continue this process until all of the positions are filled.
    5. If in any election the number of candidates is less than or equal to the number of openings, HouseComm may by a two-thirds vote suspend the preferential voting restriction in favor of a yes-no vote on each candidate.
  2. No electioneering may be conducted within ten meters of the polling place, except that the nomination petitions of all candidates shall be posted on the bulletin board twenty-four hours prior to the election for the duration of the election.
  3. All petitions shall be obtained from and returned to the Secretary. Any person may sign once each petition for an office which he may vote.

Article III - Solicitation

Any general solicitation, sales, or door-to-door canvassing must have the approval of the Executive Committee, subject to the approval of HouseComm.

Article IV - Expenditures

  1. Expenditures up to the following amounts may be paid by the Treasurer with the following authorizations:
    1. Up to $15 from Miscellaneous without further approval.
    2. Up to $400 for anticipated expenses by check with the approval of the Executive Committee.
    3. In any amount with the approval of HouseComm.
  2. No HouseComm member or agent shall indebt HouseComm for any expenditure without approval of HouseComm, except for disbursements covered in Section 1 of this article.

Article V - Sale of Property

The approval of the Executive Committee, pending approval of HouseComm, shall be required for sale of any House property.

Article VI - Committee Regulations

  1. All committee chairs must make reports to HouseComm when requested to do so by any HouseCOmm member.
  2. The following committee chairs must be living in the dormitory over the summer or designate a proxy who will be:
    1. Rush Chair
    2. Social Chair
    3. Web Chairperson(s)

Article VII - Appointments

  1. In the case of committees that require nominations from the house, HouseComm shall select candidates in the manner by which Committee chairs are elected. In the case of a vacancy due to extenuating circumstances, the President may fill the committee opening or appoint a proxy.

Article VIII - Additional ExecComm Responsibilities

  1. The Vice President shall maintain the official East Campus mailing lists. (ec-residents, ec)
  2. The Treasurer shall keep copies of all funding proposals for reference.
  3. The Secretary shall maintain a list of Comms, and maintain the list ec-comms.

Article IX - Committee Responsibilities

  1. The Social Chair (SocComm) shall be responsible for the social programming of the dormitory.
  2. The Rush Chair shall be the Chairperson of the East Campus Rush Committee.
    1. This committee shall be responsible for the planning and execution of Rush events, and for the coordination of East Campus Rush activities with DormCon and MIT Orientation activities.
    2. This Committee shall be responsible for deciding on Rush activities, policies, and a budget.
  3. The Chairperson is responsible for gathering feedback after the end of Orientation from freshmen and providing a Rush report to HouseComm based on that feedback.
  4. The CPW Chair shall be responsible for the planning and execution of CPW activities, and for the coordination of these activities with DormCon and MIT.
  5. The E.E. Chairperson shall be responsible for the management and maintenance of the EC E.E. Lab facilities.
  6. The Darkroom Chairperson shall be responsible for the management and maintenance of the East Campus Darkroom facilities.
  7. The Game Room Chairperson (GameComm) shall be responsible for the management and maintenance of the video game, pinball machines, and vending machines at East Campus.
  8. The Pet Chairperson supervises EC's adherence to the Pet Policy, and is the liason to MIT Housing with regards to pets.
  9. The Sports Chairperson supervises EC's IM sports teams.
  10. The Dining Chair is EC's representative to Campus Dining, and represents EC on the committees that run Pritchett, as well as any other local dining establishments.
  11. The Web Chair maintains EC's Athena locker and website, as well as any other computers that EC uses for web serving.
  12. The AV Chair supervises and maintains East Campus's audiovisual equipment, including sound and light setups, as well as the Talbot lounge projector.
  13. The Alumni Chair coordinates alumni communications and involvement in East Campus.
  14. The Community Service Chair coordinates East Campus's community service efforts.
  15. The Weightroom Chair maintains East Campus's weightroom.
  16. The Camera Chair produces East Campus's i3 video, and maintains the equipment needed to make this necessary, including EC's video camera.
  17. The Movie Chair oversees the rental of movies from Desk, and acquires new movies for East Campus's collection.
  18. The Tool Chair keeps and maintains East Campus's tool collection.
  19. The Piano Chairperson (PianoComm) is responsible for the management and maintenance of the pianos at East Campus. He is also responsible for the maintenance of other musical facilities.
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