Bathroom Readers

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Latest revision as of 22:52, 15 February 2006

Bathroom Readers were an Idea put into action by the current East Campus President, Harvey Jones.

The concept being: People have nothing better to do in the bathrooms than read things you put in front of them.

Harvey would fill one sheet of paper and fill it with the most important news going on in the dorm, campus, and student governments. Bathroom readers were popular.

When not updated, readers get upset at memorizing the lines of text staring at them blankly everytime they visit the toilets. They also get frustrated when they can't solve the same riddle placed at the end of the reader for months on end.

Check here for an update on future bathroom readers starting March of 06. The new EC president elect (Milo) does plan on keeping up with readers at least monthly since it is a good way to touch base with consituents whether they like it or not.

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