i3 Videos · REX · CPW · Bad Ideas · T-shirts · Music · Hall photos · The press · Old scans

Note: There is a small collection of media for which we have chosen to restrict access to EC residents and friends. If you are on ec-announce@, you can access them here.

i3 Videos [top]

The Interactive Introduction to the Institute (i3) project lets dormitories submit videos showing off their culture and lifestyle. Here is the 2024 video:

Here are the videos from previous years:

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

House Master recruiting video

Similar in spirit to the i3 videos, we made a video a while back to recruit new housemasters for East Campus.

REX [top]

CPW [top]

Bad Ideas [top]

Here is a compilation video for Bad Ideas 2011:

T-shirts [top]

See some of the awesome shirts East Campus has made over the years!

Music [top]

Hall photos [top]

Dropbox folder with lots of high-quality pre-renovation photos of halls and murals

Other miscellaneous hall photos

Shiny bathroom wall of CDs on First West

First East's Disco Dance Floor from the 2005 Bad Ideas Competition

Second West uses LN2 to freeze ice cream for prefrosh at CPW's Cryofac

Second East's custom wall mountable glow-in-the-dark fishtank/media server

Third West proves that Threes is a team sport

Third East playing with fire

Fourth West's Blacklight Lounge

Fourth East's Cocoa Table has more RAM than your Cocoa Table

Dew the Fifth West

Fifth East: Home to Black Bemis.

Videos from the press [top]