Fifth East

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Fifth East is a hall where the walls are black, the lights are red and it has everything to do with strong traditions. Our hall culture has been passed down through generations of an oral tradition with previous residents, often showing how things WERE more hardcore back in the day. Three hall chairs are elected every spring who serve for a year and are responsible for organizing parties, going to HouseComm, and resolving rooming issues. A treasurer and a kitchen cleaner are also elected, and the budget is approved via by voting each semester.

We are a loud hall, with most of the noise emerging from the blackened walls of Bemis, the center of the hall. Our dark lord of all is Krotus and feeds on the suffering of students during the semester and lies dormant during the summer months. We awaken him in the first month of term by holding a ceremonial reawakening, which includes a traditional and usually comical skit performed at midnight in addition to normal party activities. We often hold other such festivities, usually centered around other various pagan rituals and celebrations. Our parties are less dancing-focused than other EC parties and tend to be very social occasions with a great deal of conversation and alumnus attendance. We have a strong student government involvement, with two past UAVPs, various senators, and DormCon presidents. Fifth East is also the home to the legendary character, Jack Florey.

To welcome freshmen to the hall we have an annual dinner to Royal East following our first hall meeting of the term. We also have weekly dinner mobs to various restaurants, including Mary Chungs and more frequently the Pour House. In addition to outings, we also have hall feeds, with residents making their favorite dishes for the hall to enjoy. A food co-op also cooks on a regular basis, helping to relieve the strain of daily cooking. Our alumni often provide us with entertainment from their extensive knowledge of terrible(read: awesome) B‐list/horror/action movies, and even bake snacks for us on occasion. Every spring we have a picnic that we invite previous residents to and give out inside‐joke gifts and awards to various residents, and also have finals breakfast to get everyone off to a good start during finals week.

Overall, we are a close-knit and supportive hall but can come off as harsh sometimes. Our strong alumni ties keeps us informed of the many mistakes made in the past and how to not let history repeat itself. We are accepting of all ethnicities and are extremely supportive to our openly LGBT residents. In the past residents have worked together to build a dance floor platform (usually used for studying), an LED wall display, various servers, and miscellaneous other personal projects (mainly half-conceived ideas on how to get around our lack of an elevator). We enjoy watching various TV series as a hall, particularly Star Trek, The West Wing, MLP:FiM and various other science fiction shows. We also play video games together in the lounge with our communal video game systems, normally playing anything from JRPGs to FPSs and many classic games as well.

See Also