East Campus/10/13/04

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Revision as of 03:34, 8 July 2007 by Juang (Talk)
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All halls present. Putz brings snacks next time.

Halls will get their money soon. Good job, Jim. Good job.

Marcos requested a PO so he can get some more hoodies.

UA Senate update: Maria hands off work on Pritchett to Bethany. She's also working on getting lighting for the tennis courts.

We may look into re-furnishing the ping-pong table room.

Fire code violations: 1. Items have been hung and suspended from the sprinkler system. 2. There is excessive clutter, storage, clothing, computers, bicycles, furniture, garbage, etc. in the exit hallways. 3. There were items stored in the exit stairways. 4. Fabric wall coverings have been applied in places in the exit corridor. 5. Lounge area furniture is obstructing the clear exit path through the building. 6. Power supply wiring with extension cords in the lounge areas is extensive. 7. In the few sleeping rooms with open doors where we could see in, smoke detectors were observed hanging off their mounting boxes. Sprinklers heads were obstructed by excessive storage. 8. Sleeping room doors were decorated with various hazard warning signage. 9. Ceiling tiles are missing in the hallways. 10. Ceiling lights , which constitute the emergency lighting for the building are obscured with colored paper. 11. Low voltage wiring has been installed in numerous locations in the building. 12. In doing such an installation, unprotected penetrations have been made in fire rated assemblies. 13. Said low voltage wiring was somehow connected to the fire alarm system, causing a fire door to close when activating lighting. 14. Said low voltage wiring had been connected to stairway exit doors, and extended into exit stairways. 15. Fire alarm devices have been painted. 16. Fire alarm detectors have been painted. 17. Fire alarm devices have been installed which are not part of the fire alarm system. 18. Sleeping room doors were obstructed with decoration. 19. Fire doors were obstructed with storage, preventing closure.

General notes: This is pretty serious, the inspector has the ability to condemn EC and make everyone move out within the day. Don't fuck with the fire system. It's just a bad idea. Do what you can to help the building pass inspections and don't nitpick. This is as much, or more, a political thing than a technical thing. Make sure paths of egress are clear. Keep your doors closed. Please please please. Feel free to ask us any questions.