East Campus/October 29, 2008

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Attendence: everyone's here

Two weeks ago, a mbollini made a motion to remove treasurer arindone from office: Not removed

EC P/VP elections are coming up (first Tuesday in December). We need an ElectComm: managing ballot box, counting votes, understanding instant runoff, etc (see By Laws section 2)

ElectComm nominations: fernando, paul_b Both win

RAC say: Next Housecomm, we'll discuss rooming. Feel free to talk to your frosh about rooming before hand.

UA Senate Report: Monday, 7 pm, shockfield town hall meeting, you should show up, it'll show that many students are concerned about things.

JoegComm: If you try to turn the radiator dial past the snowflake, it may turn back on. Also, don't pinch the wire.

Concert: Was cool, but started too early, but that was the fault of equipment overbook, also a bad time of the year

ComComm: Monday, 6pm, John DiFava dinner. Also, Election Day food in Talbot (8 pm)

Remember, Election Day is Tuesday, November 4th! If you're registered to vote in Massachusetts, visit http://mit.edu/ec/vote for voting information, including where to vote, what to bring, and what's on the ballot this Election Day.