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AVComm has some of your audio-visual needs. If you have any questions on how to setup something up, let us know at ec-avcomm@mit.edu.


Current Officers

  • Chris Tam - 4E
  • Gabriel Karpman - 5E


Portable/Party Equipment

  • 2x JBL MR835 Loudspeaker (3 way, 8 Ohm, 250W RMS/100W peak (pink noise), 38Hz-20kHz)
  • 2x CSX35-S2 Loudspeaker (2 way, 8 Ohm, 150W RMS/375W peak, 60Hz-18kHz) (You probably don't need these unless it's Rush)

Talbot Lounge

  • HD Television
  • Projector
  • VCR
  • HDTV Tuner for Projector

Recommended Speaker Configuration

  • Parties: use the 2 JBL PRX612 powered speakers. Plug them into the wall. Make sure the speakers are OFF. Plug something with 1/4" TS cables into each speaker. Plug the other end of the cable into a line-level audio input. Make sure the speakers are set to Line Level Sensitivity, not mic level turn the speakers on. Typically, the cable used will be 1/8" TRS -> dual 1/4" TS.
  • For use when the PRX612s are committed elsewhere: Check with AVComm. DO NOT attempt to use the power amplifiers or non-powered loudspeakers unless you actually know what the fuck you're doing. AVComm training means you know how to use the PRX612s, not that you know how to use any and all AVComm equipment. If you want us to trust that you know how to use some particular equipment, talk to us about the setup in question in particular.

Equipment Lending Policy

If the EC sound system is used for a hall party or other hall event, it must be returned to the AV closet in Talbot within two days of the event unless there is another event scheduled by a different hall within those two days, in which case it must be returned to the AV closet or transported to the other hall at least two hours prior to the other event. If a hall doesn't comply with the first of these two conditions, they will be fined $25.00 a day for each day that the equipment remains on the hall after the two day grace period. If another hall event is within the two days, the hall hosting that event gains responsibility of the system.

Reservations can only be made by an individual who has been AVComm trained, and the individual who reserves the sound system components takes responsibility for their safe return, proper use, and any damage or loss which may occur while equipment is checked out.

Current know reservations can be viewed at AVComm-Reservations