Bad Ideas 2010

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Friday January 22 - Sunday January 24

Mailing List

Yes, it deserves its own category. Go suck it.

[pseudo]Official Positions

Chairs: cmerrill, mnawrot
Poster Making:
Poster Distribution:
Bad Ideas Ball:

If you want to do something that's not on the list, add it and yourself above. (Initiative is good for you!)


(Currently mostly unsorted...)

Feel free to sign up to be in charge of any of these! We'll love you soooo much! (Also tell us the stuff you'll need + budget, etc.)

Event/Project Contact Requested Budget
Pizza Oven elevin ???
Aerial Silks elevin and clarion 120
Programmable LED Spheres dgrnbrg 500 (from last year's budget)
Electric Ice Guitar srd 150
Air Cannon mnawrot and bnpeters 100
6-legged Walking Couch dsa ???
Wa Laundry Chute fangfei Est. 50-100
Sledding Hill jrogoff 350
"Choose your own adventure" porn jrogoff ???
3-4 m tall walking beast amyqian 500
Iceskate Ripstick ciuffo and rdeits 100
Large Plasma Globe ihiromi 900 (smaller parts at 400,200)
Fence Jumping Contest joshuah ???
TP Launcher (with spinning action) sdmorr ???
Wasabi Toothbrushing Est. 15
Beach in Talbot (400W sun lamp available) Est 700 (500 sand, 200 toys/etc)
Pig Roast manayach (will cook only) 300 spit, Est. 100 pig
igloo out of student directories jbuz ???
Rube Goldberg Roulette w/ Pies jasminef & y2c 200
Propane Fire Art scottnla 500
Power Supplies for Digital Waterfall rdeits 60
Flash Mob Free!
Wings Over Sommerville Eating Contest Sponsored? Hopefully...
Food HORSE 100
Golf Cart
Burrito Bomb Decathalon / Burrito Relay
Volleyball Court Ice Skating
Tour Guide Cage
Human Katamari w/ Velcro
"Stay-on-wall" Duct Tape Contest
20-article party (max clothing with min coverage)
Invite Richard Stallman
White Castle Tour
Timecube Lecture/Debate
My ___ is bigger than yours
Satirical Newspaper
Meat, tomato, pepper launcher "Make your-own-kabobs"
Leaf Blower Wind Instrument
Real Life Guitar Hero
Musical Tesla Coil
Pony Rides
Suspension Bridge
Bomb Diffusal Practice
B-Movie Alternate Future Production
Levitating Discoball
Cubic 3-D Chess
Winter Burning Man
Man-made Ice column
Revolving Door in Middle of Courtyard
"Hunting for Tourists"
Halloween in January
"Hardcore" Photoshoot
Break Guiness Record
Cross the Charles on foot

Other Years