CPW 2013

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(GET EXCITED! Whip yourselves into a frenzy of nationalistic fervor!)
(Theme Related Ideas)
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*Humans vs. Zombies (White Army vs. Red Army) (like capture the flag)
*Humans vs. Zombies (White Army vs. Red Army) (like capture the flag)
*Bring 3 capitalist pigs, build them an enclosure maybe? (bsena)
*Bring 3 capitalist pigs, build them an enclosure maybe? (bsena)
*Red drapes hanging from parallels, courtyard side?
===Other Large Ideas===
===Other Large Ideas===

Revision as of 02:03, 16 February 2013


First and Foremost

  • CPW is April 11-14. Mark your calendars!
  • Contact the CPW chairs at ec-cpw-chairs@mit.edu
  • Add yourself to our list! easternbloc@mit.edu
  • Sign up to host a prefrosh! Hosting Site

GET EXCITED! Whip yourselves into a frenzy of nationalistic fervor!


Seizing the Means of Construction

  • The theme of this year's CPW is Communism!
  • It would be awesome if you thought of ideas on how to make East Campus seem like a more oppressive totalitarian regime.
  • (Though apparently we're not allowed to have book burnings)
  • It would also be awesome if you had ideas that have absolutely nothing to do with the theme!
  • Add your ideas to the lists below, even if you can't do them yourselves.
  • Please either give a short description of your idea, or link to a page in which you explain further
  • Claim ideas that you want to do!
  • Be creative! Supposedly you're good at that.

Big Ideas


  • Build an Iron Curtain (exact definition unclear)
  • Build propaganda broadcast towers and sprinkle them over West Campus (see Radio-Proliferation) (Isaac?)
Combined with leadership spire - each person gets 5 prefrosh, build the highest spire
  • Frosh freebuilding a jungle jim
  • Build something small-ish on thursday afternoon (something tiny, just so people can have fun)
  • Build a Red Army Training Camp Obstacle Course (formally known as Leadership Development Seminar) (Trevor?)
  • Carve a totem pole
  • Building Carnival Games
  • Build a fort in the courtyard

Theme Related Ideas

  • Radio Proliferation
Get boards to construct radios which are permanently tuned to only one frequency, student-run WMBR.
Hand out lots and lots of radios to prefrosh.
Hijack WMBR for the weekend, broadcast only East Campus propaganda/radio shows by various people (incl. robj and...)
Propaganda to include sparse recordings of Leonid speaking Russian, Russian-translated pamphlets, etc. (leonidg)
  • Communist party (to plagiarize from 4E)
  • Humans vs. Zombies (White Army vs. Red Army) (like capture the flag)
  • Bring 3 capitalist pigs, build them an enclosure maybe? (bsena)
  • Red drapes hanging from parallels, courtyard side?

Other Large Ideas

  • Have the prefrosh unknowingly build a hack
  • Finish the mural
  • Oobleck?

Claimed Big Ideas

  • Satisfaction float (kesnyder and leonidg)
  • Making a huge red banner (with a yellow Burning Man) to drape over the west side of the West Parallel. (demaio and lherring)

Food Ideas

  • Hall Potluck (repeat of rush) (k8r?)
Have each hall contribute some food (like in Rush but more organized)
Allow kids to help cooking
Have this be a coordinated event for all dorms, funded through DormCon/Admissions
  • 7-11 Runs and other late night events
  • Iron (curtain) Chef (Fuzzy?)
  • Build a pizza oven
  • We need people to (wo/)man the grills! ([Your name here], etc)

Claimed Food Ideas

More Ideas!


  • Regular Hall Tours (somebody take charge)
  • Mural tours (k8r?)
  • flaming mini golf course (bsena?)
  • Lumberjack Campfire (look into legality) (nope)
  • paper airplane competition in lobby 7/Walker
    • possibly during/directly after large prefrosh gathering
  • Interactive EC tours where crazy shit happens (adventure tours)
    • East Campus tour viking hijack
  • Water War with Senior Haus (use hurricane fred)
  • Reuse Instrument Building
  • Reuse seminar/scavenger hunt
  • cruft smashin (ervanalb?)
  • Making pancakes on a fire post-lumberjacking
  • Have prefrosh be able to order meat for home
  • Steak Dining plan through hilltop grazers
    • Bury cruft, stolen sign, monster, raw chickens, mannequins
  • Events during tangerine tours, so people don’t feel bad for not being chosen
    • hand out tangerines?


  • Volleyball court archeology(kwbartel)
  • Hairdying (alabine +?)