East Campus/November30

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Latest revision as of 19:29, 21 February 2006


1. Pritchet

  • There are (barely) enough workers for Pritchet, sign up if interested. The student run portion will be up soon. Also, Pritchet wants art, so talk to Analucia or Ruth and get some artwork in.

2. Housemaster Selection Process

  • Blanche yourself onto ec-housemaster if you are interested in helping with the housemaster selection process. An email will be coming out shortly.

3. Elections

  • Jenn Di'Ascoli is the Election Arbiter for next Tuesday.

Candidate Summaries:


Conor: Jr :He's Conor. Involved with Housecomm since frosh. Loves EC. Want's to "shakes thing up" "get the ball rolling" "up the energy"

Milo: Soph: Wants to change perception of EC on rest of the campus. "we scare the rest of campus, good/bad" loves EC, shows up to housecomm, on DormComm exec, knows way around administration. Got the freedom trail approved in under 24 hrs.


Martini: Soph: Knows what the VP does. Insanely organized. Good with beaurocracy. Has follow through on ideas: spaghetti wrestling etc. Hit rush hard despite, Mono. "I will do anything for East Campus" Wants to "break in" new housemasters. Grab funding from system. On Dormcom exec

Sam: Soph: Also loves East Campus. "VP does housing". Wants to get initial housing right. Knows halls reasonably well. Sorta organized.

Mandi: Soph: Likes meddling with peoples lives, has seen what housing can do. Wants to work on it. Wants to work on rush. Wants to get admins to look at the direction institute housing is going in. Can putup with whiny frosh complaining. Wants to get involved

Clayton: Soph: VP mostly about housing. Organized. Wants to preserve hall culture and extend them. Knows lots of people on different halls. Very involved with rush. Facebook whore for 5th east. "Lots of organization and work" but wants to do a good job.


4Conor: What do you want to actually do?

  • Conor: Wants to see comms get their projects done before the midpoint of term inorder for more cool projects to actually get done. Also wants to implement a policy for each hall to have some sort of EC event for the whole dorm to get everyone involved.

Followup: "What kind of pressure"

  • Conor: In general, if you don't spend your cash before the halfway point, then it goes back into general pool. Wants to get people to get things done early and in reality.

4PrezCand: The president represents EC to the outside world and student government. Over the last few years EC has been the major power in DormCon, must be able to navigate the system. What are your thoughts on this and how would you navigate the system.

  • Milo: In DormCon, so knows how student government works, also in the UA senate to he knows his way around the admins.
  • Conor: Not that involved with DormCon because he wanted to keep his focus local. Minimal contact with the admins. However previous experience says he's good working with admins and has good interpersonal relation skills so he will learn quickly. Will make a priority if elected.

4Milo: What do you actually want to do?

  • Milo: Didn't actually think of what to say. Likes how things work now. Open to new things. Loves rush. Open to all new ideas. Humanities major!

4VPs: We all have a pretty good idea of what the hall cultures are. But there are different opions even within halls as to what sort of people should live where, etc. How would you reconcile things?

  • Clayton: Would talk to hall chairs and make sure that he understood the needs of the halls inorder to keep halls strong.
  • Martini: Thinks its really important to make sure that all of EC is represented in initial housing decisions, but is willing to take the reins when needed.
  • Sam: Can be blunt and can make decisions. Wants to shaft everyone equally, meaning do your best fore each hall realizing that you cant make everyone happy
  • Mandi: Biggest hope in determining where to stick people is getting feedback from hallchairs in order to represent all the halls, not just the "more powerfull" ones. Would make sure to have people to go to everywhere to get a wide range of information

All: How Hozed

  • Clayton: Not taking 6.170 next term. Less hozed next term, not very involved outside of EC. Here this summer working not at MIT
  • Conor: 54 units, but 2 of those are HASS, only 1 killer class, low ROTC requirement. Normal load next fall
  • Milo: CMS classes spring, CMS "research" this summer, CMS classes in Fall. Involved in a lot of clubs. When things get rough will focus on more important thigns like EC
  • Martini: 48 units, personal policy against 5 classes, only 2 hard ones at a shot. Will keep herself load balanced. Not here for summer.
  • Sam: 4+ classes, one might be a HASS. Light fall. Gone next summer. Does Crew.
  • Mandi: CMS major. Does APO, LSC night director, only hosing at beginning of term. Will be here this summer with a humanities UROP.

VP's: At the room assignment meeting, would you consider having a rep from each hall present?

  • Clayton: already a system in place for halls to voice opinions. Trying to have a meeting with everyone would be catastrophous.
  • Martini: will specially consider halls getting ready to get a lot of new freshmen, but not try to have a huge meeting with everyone.
  • Sam: wouldn't try to have everyone, but maybe reps from halls that traditionally have a lot of open rooms.
  • Mandi: 5 or 6 people in a committee is the max possible for efficiency, but would try to make sure no halls are better represented than others. People who are out and active meeting frosh would be better to ask to be involved than people holed up in their rooms.

All: Previous student government experience that influenced you

  • Mandi: hall chair, hopefully had a positive impact. More involved in high school, but no student government.
  • Sam: student council in high school, only person who cared about racist administration. Was an angry rabblerouser.
  • Martini: EC treasurer for last 10 months, has done a good job. Spreadsheets and fiscal responsibility.
  • Milo: student council in high school, raised $24,000 and a lot went back to students. Dormcon is his best experience here, also on class council and tries to get everyone's perspective on events.
  • Conor: drum major in high school band, led a group to get student input in decisions when band director quit. Spent a year making sure relations with the new director went well and everyone was happy with compromises. Very good experience.
  • Clayton: no student government in high school, but kept administration from kicking out his Chinese, visa-less friend. No MIT govt position yet, but this is a good time to get involved. Was lab manager in Albuquerque.

All: diversity GIR in housing? Opinions?

  • Martini: this hasn't been officially planned yet, was at the DormCon meeting and talked to people about it, nothing official has been planned. Good idea to keep admins in check, avoid too much bureaucracy, stop snowballing.
  • Milo: Martini already said everything. Isn't official, if it is Dormcon will be on it like white on rice. It's a bad idea, we already diversify ourselves. MIT needs support structures, quotas would

destroy communities that have been built.

  • Sam: It's silly that admins worry about diversity when they already recognize things like Chocolate City. Diversity is a buzzword, but quotas are bad.
  • Conor: MIT does have diversity issues, housing is not the best way to fix it. Didn't read the Tech article. If the admins did something, something should be done about it, but there's nothing official yet.
  • Mandi: don't agree with current ideas of diversifying campus. Right now it's not official so there's not much students can do besides what Dormcon has already done. Students need to have their voices heard, the admins may not just stop at housing if that's the first step they decide to take.
  • Clayton: Racial living group quotas are illegal, if MIT tried it he'd probably sue them.
  • Sam: Would putting frosh in best fitting halls promote frosh apathy?

  • BAD IDEAS!!!! Planning meeting Friday after the FAC!! Get Ideas started and lets make it good!!!
  • Note, there will be a Pritchett Referendum in the vote on Tuesday.
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