CPW 2014

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Revision as of 17:53, 20 February 2014 by Yonadav (Talk | contribs)
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The Theme

is The Roaring Twenties followed by The Great Dogepression

Silly Administrative Things

  • Send a telegrammaphone to the 1% (CPW Chairs) on wall-street@mit.edu
  • Get involved, add yourself to dogepression@mit.edu

Important Dates

  • FINAL EVENT PROPOSAL to CPW chairs: Feb. 21
  • Sign up for a mail order prefrosh: March 29
  • CPW: April 10 - 13

Public Works Projects (Events) Claimed


  • Thursday Potluck (cpw chairs)
  • Iron chef (hbrandte)
  • Cupcake roulette (marvin)
  • Diner (Pinky’s) (kelly, ejberg)
  • Cryofac (putz, ejberg)
  • Trader Jack's (fuzzy)

Empire State of Mind (Building Things)

  • Great Depression/Shantytown/Columbotowns (CPW Chairs)
  • Haunted House (fall comm, kelly/kirsten)
  • Openended wood project (prefrosh, do a thing!)
  • ”Hastily Throne” (dbd, pauline)
  • Siege tower (steven)

Larnin' (Teaching the Prefrosh Things)

  • Hair Dyeing (Annie)
  • Rioting 101 (skyline party night?) (Tuition Riot/Colombo) (fuzzy)
  • Adventure Tours (k8r, ben shaya, awaln)
  • Soldering seminar (4e miles and jess?)
  • Pan handling seminar (kirsten)
  • Hobostick construction/signmaking (kirsten)
  • Cruftsmashing (Tetazoo?)
  • Tunnel tours/race/scavenger hunt run on banks (gsellers/rudyg)
  • Who's Still Awake? (phoebe and jes)
  • Bull shit science/Fredtalks (the putz frosh)


  • Miss Ugly (mspatz)
  • Pickpocket/giving, condoms (jes)
  • Fifth East CPW Party (Fifth East)
  • Satisfaction Cart (Kelly)
  • Don’t sleep (cjdesno)
  • Inline Party w/ velvet rope (mspatz)
  • Nerf Gun Wars (phoebe)
  • Glow in the dark bowling in the basement (Kelly)

These Events Are Free To A Good Home! (Please Claim 'Em!)


  • Grills
I can set up the grills around 8:30 each morning, but won't be around for grilling...can offer some tips for not f*cking up if needed, beforehand -aihelena

Construction Projects

  • Projector for Reuse emails: This'd be really cool,

Larnin' 2: Electric Boogaloo

  • Studfinding event: AKA ec-discuss IRL
  • Studfinderfinding event: AKA ec-discuss-discuss IRL


  • Water War: Someone's gotta talk to Senior Haus
  • Archaeology: Dig up *all* the things!
  • Open canvas for peoplez?
  • Power tools: Have fun with power tools! You choose what to do.
  • Open Mic/Talent Show: Self-explanatory
  • Real Life Chess: Also, self-explanatory

Write Ideas Here